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Andre Grindstaff

Founder & CEO of Andre's Computer Tips

Andre's Computer Tips was founded by Andre Grindstaff in November 29, 2010. We started off as video series on YouTube. Soon after we became a computer software company with ACT Baseboard and many different products followed afterwards.

Today we focus our efforts for ACT Baseboard development, making helpful tutorials, and caring about our customers.

Bible Quote of the Day:


Starting as simply Andre's Computer Tips, we started making videos and developing Baseboard (which is known now as ACT Baseboard).


When ACT Baseboard became a part of Andre's Computer Tips in 2011, when Baseboard 1.0 was initially was released to the public. Andre's Computer Tips was changed forever.

Even though Andre's Computer Tips was still a very new company, at the time, and how very early on ACT Baseboard (then just Baseboard) became a product.

ACT Baseboard's initial release changed everything for us.

We went from being a online video computer support company (hence the name Andre's Computer Tips) to a software development company.

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